Catwoman with her cat-themed look is a criminal from Gotham City and one of Batman's most-well known enemies. Selina Kyle is often portrayed as a thief and cat burglar with divided loyalties making her an inconstant villain and occasional ally to Batman.
Learn more about Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman, at this Fandom Trivia site: Catwoman
Or from this DC Fandom wiki site: Catwoman (Selina Kyle)
The Batman and Robin Cat-ilac Chase Sublimated / Getaway Collection features a classic image from DC Comics of Batman and Robin chasing down Cat Woman in a high speed getaway. Our sublimated shirts have vibrant color and are printed on super soft, light weight t-shirts.
As with most of our sublimated collections, this Batman and Robin Getaway image is available on either a classic T-shirt, junior t-shirt or youth t-shirt. A second, related image can be printed on the back for an additional charge.
To learn more about Robin, read our post The Ever-Evolving Role of Robin: Batman's Dynamic Sidekick.
To learn more about Catwoman, read our post about Batman Villains.